
by J Angel Rodriguez Z on

Hace unos días escuché una canción del poeta de la canción Jose Maria NAPOLEÓN y me remonto a la época de escuela secundaria 1976, cuando te crees que lo sabes todo y en realidad casi no sabes nada de la vida.

Ahora en el 2022 vuelvo a escuchar esta canción y veo que tiene un significado totalmente diferente, ya con la madurez entiendes mejor las cosas y duele el darte cuenta de que pudimos haber hecho mejor las cosas, especialmente con la familia que se nos adelantó en el camino.

Ahí te dejo la mejor versión de VIVE.

El Poeta de La Cancion Napoleon Vive

My experience on Elis Cheesecake Company

by J Angel Rodriguez Z on

From the outside a very successful company but from the inside totally different view.

When I had the opportunity to join the company, I was offered a position on the maintenance department My job was to implement a preventive maintenance program Their previous preventive maintenance program had become obsolete. So the urgency for a new program was imminent due to SFQ audits.

Supposedly, the job was to take care of the PM program and then assist mechanics in repairing production equipment that falls under my expertise on manufacture for 30 years.

My first impressions:

Lock of training.

People treatment. And many more.

No one except for a few is willing to help you; That first-shift maintenance department is so corrupted by one guy and three nephews. It is impossible to work there. It's difficult to understand.Your own race does not even give you a chance to show what you can do.

There is a saying specially in production dpt that if you can’t handle the screaming and yelling from management then you don’t belong here.

Im writing this small post to ease my frustration, and in this case, Let people know that there are more choices out there. Pick your own fights, but pick the ones that you can win; otherwise, what is the purpose of fighting a war that you are going to lose.

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